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Every model needs a good head shot. It's the beginning. It's the first thing that clients see in your book usually. It's the first thing that clients see in your composite card. A good head shot, you want something that's striking, that's going to get someone's attention.
A head shot for an actor is completely different than a head shot for a model because actors, they might be a character actor where they only do one thing. They might be the guy who just does Santa Claus, and that's his head shot. That's what he does. He sells that. It might be the kid who's the freckle-faced red head who, always has a hat on or whatever it is. So characters and actors, their head shots are different.
The arrangement of a music press kit is very important and all the vital selling points for the artist should be directly in the front. Learn how to create your own music press kit and stand out from every other artist with this free video from a professional musician.
Music press releases are the first chance in a press kit to tell the reader what the artist is about and how good they are. Learn how to create your own music press kit and stand out from every other artist with this free video from a professional musician.
Do you ever get stumped wondering what you should share with your fans, friends and followers online? Do you ever worry about bombarding your followers with too many updates?
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